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FOOD AND COSMETICS INDUSTRY Practical and food-safe – Balls are a real all-rounder

Cosmetics and food products not only have to look, taste and smell good – they also have to be functionally appealing.

Whether it’s for the application of cosmetics or in contact with food: balls fulfil the desired purpose, without tainting the product.


Food & cosmetics industry Example applications – The all-round benefits of ball bearings

Balls roll-on deodorant - ballcenter

Balls in roll-on deodorants

A ball is the central component in a conventional roll-on deodorant. The plastic ball is used to evenly apply the deodorant.

Grinding balls for ball mills – ballcenter

Grinding balls for ball mills

Balls are used to grind the material in ball mills. Materials such as cocoa, coal or cement are ground using the impact, pressure and friction of the balls.

Mixing balls - ballcenter

Mixing balls for spray cans

Mixing balls are used to mix the paint in cans of spray paint. This helps ensure an optimal spraying mechanism.